References and Footnotes
In an attempt to stop propagating “bad gouge” and circular research, I will endeavor to put accurate, authoritative primary references and footnotes here on some key items in my website posts.
This is also your Required Reading List.
This will be a work in progress. In no particular citation order for now:
1) MACSOG Document Study, Draft, 10JULY70, MACSOG Communications; Appendix G, Declassified, as redacted.
2) The Lonely Vigil by Walter Lord. Viking Press, 1977. Coast watchers in the Solomons.
3) Military Communications, A Test for Technology, The US Army in Vietnam, John D Bergen, Center of Military History, United States Army, 1986
4) The US Army in WWII, The Technical Series, The Signal Corps, The Test. Ken Roberts Greenfield, Department of the Army, 1957
5) The US Army in WWII, The Technical Series, The Signal Corps, The Outcome. George Thompson, Department of the Army, 1966
6) The Escape Factory, Lloyd R. Shoemaker, 1990
7) MACSOG Document Study, Draft, 10JULY70, Maritime Operations; Annex D to Appendix C, Declassified, as redacted.
8) Coastal Raiders, Mr Tran Do Cam; as translated, former OIC PTF’s 2 and 11, RVN 2000
9) Janes Fighting Ships, 1975
10) Deleted See Ref (15)
11) First into Nagasaki: The Censored Eyewitness Dispatches on Post-Atomic Japan and its Prisoners of War George Weller, Anthony Weller, Walter Cronkite
12) Conduct Under Fire: Four American Doctors and their Fight for Life as Prisoners of the Japanese, 1941-1945. By John Glusman
13) Know Your PT Boat The Bureau of Ships, US Navy, Technical Publication No. 9, NAVSHIPS 250-222-1, 15 JULY 1945.
14) Motor Torpedo Boats, Tactical Orders and Doctrine Headquarters CinC U.S. Fleet, July1942
15) WWW.PTFNASTY.COM Excellent website full of PTF info
16) WWW.WARBOATS.ORG Another excellent website with PTF info
17) PT Boats At War, World War II to Vietnam Normal Polmar, Samuel Morison, MBI Publishing Company 1999.
18) The Gulf Raiders, Tran Do Cam; May 2000. Tran was a PTF skipper in the RVN Navy providing an excellent, unique operational narrative.
19) Receivers and Transmitters RT-66/GRC, RT-67/GRC and RT-68/GRC Technical Manual TM11-289 Department of the Army
20) Deleted. See Reference (31).
21) The Surplus Handbook: Receivers and Transmitters, Caringella and Clark; Editors and Engineers Ltd., 1959.
22) Navaho Code Talkers: WW2 Fact Sheet;
23) An excellent Dutch website with good references to the RS-6 set
24) See Bill’s excellent website on military museums and much more.
25) Twilight Warriors: Covert Air Operations Against the USSR; By Curtis Peebles
26) Vietnam Declassified: The CIA and Counterinsurgency By Thomas L Ahern Jr., Thomas L Ahern
27) Spycraft: The Secret History of the CIA’s Spytechs, from Communism to Al-Qaeda By Robert Wallace, H. Keith Melton, Henry R. Schlesinger.
28) In Love and War James Stockdale and Sybil Stockdale, Oct 1984
29) Reference Data for Field Radio Communications, ST-11-174, 1 June 1962, HQ, US Army Signal School Fort Monmouth NJ.
30) Jane’s Military Communications
31) Vietnam Studies: Division Level Communications 1962-1973, LTG Charles R. Myer, Department of the Army, 1982
32) Private communications with a PTF radioman (USN) who was a crewman in the 1969-70 timeframe in Da Nang.
33) COMUSMACV Command History, 1966, Annex M; Declassified, as redacted.
34) Black Ops, Vietnam: The Operational History of MACVSOG Robert M. Gillespie
35) Proposed Plan for Intelligence Coverage in Alaska in the Event of an Invasion (Stay-Behind Agent Program)
(Documents referred from the FBI to the Air Force for release disposition), 1947-1954; US Air Force Office of Special Investigations
36) Field Manual FM24-24 Radio and Radar Reference Data Headquarters, Department of the Army, December 1983
37) Technical Report No.67-01, Radio Set AN/PRC-64, Development and Test Program Final Report, Stanley D. Peirce, April 1967, US Army Limited War Laboratory, Aberdeen Maryland 21005
38) Eyes Behind the Lines, US Army Long Range Reconnaissance and Surveillance Units, Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 10, Maj. James F. Gebhardt US Army (Ret.) Combat Studies Institute Ft. Leavenworth Kansas, Undated (Circa 2005)
39) Infantry Communications Data, ST 7-180-FY73, United States Army Infantry School, Fort Benning Georgia, 13 October 1972
40) Final Report AN/PRC-64, JRATA Project No. 1A-105.0, 15 May 1965, Army Concept Team in Vietnam
41) 75th Ranger Regiment Association History website
42) Field Manual FM31-20 Special Forces Operational Techniques, Headquarters, Department of the Army, December 1965
43) AID/NASA Pilot Project for Technology Transfer To A Developing Nation – Republic of Korea – Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Report Number CK-17-326, June 1972
44) SOG The Secret Wars of Americas Commandos in Vietnam. John L. Plaster, New American Library, 1997
45) The ARRL Antenna Book, American Radio Relay League, Newington CT, 1994, updated periodically
46) Measurement of the Attenuation of Radio Signals by Jungles, Jack W. Herbstreit and W. Q. Crichlow, RADIO SCIENCE Journal of Research NBSJUSNC-URSI
Vol. 68D, No.8, August 1964
47) Semi Annual Report, Remote Area Conflict Research and Engineering, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Project AGILE, 1July63-31DEC63. DTIC Report AD348219 1FEB64
48) EUCA61-966 Dispatch, Declassified. List of communications equipment caches delivered to Austria. Chief EUCA to Chief of Station, Vienna. June 26, 1961
49) REDSOX/CACCOLAS Final Report EGMA-5939 Chief of Mission, Frankfort June 9. 1953 CIA FOIA Release
/specialCollection/nwcda3/61/AESAURUS AENOBLE VOL. 2/AESAURUS AENOBLE VOL. 2_0023.pdf
50) AEQUOR II Progress Report EGMA 00713, Chief of Base Munich, Sept 29, 1952 CIA FOIA Release
/specialCollection/nwcda3/60/AEQUOR VOL. 1/AEQUOR VOL. 1_0032.pdf
51) Man Pack, Team Pack, HF Military Radio Sets Report, Ft Monmouth Signal Corps, Author Unknown, Forwarding memo AMSEL-RD-MAA, 12 August 1965
52). Special Forces At War Shelby Stanton, Zenith Press, 1990, reprinted 2008
53) AN/GRC-109 The first True Special Forces Radio, Gene Williams, Southern California Sentinel, Special Forces Association Chapter 78, Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2015
54) PT Action Reports, letter from Commander South Pacific Force to Commander Pacific Fleet, Serial A16-3(90) 0035(I), SECRET, 23October43.
55) The online website history of the Royal Australian Corps of Signals in Vietnam.
56) A Users Guide to Aircraft Radio Corporation Receivers, M.W. Tauson. Published on the Internet. Undated.
57) Norwegian Troms Forsvarsmuseum Military Museum, Tromso Norway.
58) Personal communication with Sam Rodriquez, LRRP/Ranger veteran RTO user of the TRC-77 radio sets.
59) CIA RDP79 01578A000110011-6 Equipment Board Minutes, May 10, 1967 CIA FIOA Electronic Reading Room, (SECRET, Declassified Aug 7, 2000)
60) CIA RDP78 03424A002400020033-9 Memo, Chief of Logistics, Sept 10, 1953, CIA FIOA Electronic Reading Room, (SECRET, Declassified Sept 20, 2011)
61) CIA-RDP78-03642A000700090012-2 Memo, EUCA 58977, Cache recovery. Chief [Redacted]. SECRET [Declassified]
62) U-2 Aircraft Utility Flight Handbook, March 1, 1959, Author/Source/Document number redacted. Released Jan 6, 2012.
63) Enemy Exploitation of Allied Tactical Communications, Lessons Learned No.79, HQ Military Assistance Command Vietnam, 8 March 1970
65) Field Tests of Man-Pack Radios in a Tropical Environment, W.R. Vincent, Stanford Research Institute, for ARPA, Report AD 472860, July 1963.
66) Project AGILE Semi Annual Report, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Report AD348219, 1 July-31 December 1963
67) Voice Tests on Man-Pack Radios in a Tropical Environment, Stanford Research Institute, for ARPA, Report AD480591, July 1963
68) Situation in El Salvador CIA Internal Memo (DECL) CIA RDP85T00153R000200040021-3, December 9, 1982
69) Internal Progress Report, CIA R&D Engineering Branch Staff, (DECL) CIA-RDP78-02820A000800050061-1. 31 July 1962
70) The truth about trees and antenna gain, QST Magazine, ARRL, Volume 102 Number 2, February 2018
71) Project DICE THROW Test Execution Report, Defense Nuclear Agency, Defense Technical Information Center report AD57247, 1 April, 1978.
72) Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment; Rigging Loads for Special Operations FM10-542, TO 13C7-51-21, US Army/USAF, 31Aug 1979.
73) CIA-RDP84- 00499R000700140016-8 Memo, Agent Radio Equipment Stocks, 27 June 1950. To Communications Division Chief [Redacted]. SECRET [Declassified]
74) The United States Army WWII Statistics and Procurement, Crawford, Cook, Office of The Chief of Military History, 9 April 1952,
76) Map Reading and Land Navigation, Field Manual FM21-26, Headquarters, Department of the Army, 30 September 1987.
77) Be Expert with Map and Compass, Bjorn Kjellstrom, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1976.
78) US Congressional Record of the 83rd Congress, Proceedings and Debates, Volume 100, Part 8, 8-21 July 1954.
79) Handbook of German Military Forces, TM-E30-451, War Department, 15 March 1945.
80) Operation Armageddon, R.W. Koch, Air Classics Magazine, October 1979.
81) Global Secret and Intelligence Services I: Hidden Systems that deliver Unforgettable Customer Service, Heinz Duthel, Books on Demand, November 2014
82) Catalog of Electronic Equipment, NavShips 900-116, Suppliment Number 5, Bureau of Ships Navy Department, 1 October 1952.
83) Supplement Technical Manual T.O.12R2-2URC-4-1., Radio Set AN/URC-4, Secretary of the Air Force, 7 April 1966.
84) Leader of the Pack: The Fleet Submarine USS Batfish in World War II, Mark W. Allen, iUniverse Books, April 26, 2011.
85) Studies in Intelligence Vol 58, No. 3 Australia’s ELINT “Commandos” Field Unit 12 Takes New Technology to War in the Southwest Pacific. Kevin Davies, US Central Intelligence Agency, September 2014
86) A Radar history of WWII: Technical and Military Imperatives, Louis Brown, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia 1999
87) Interim Report, Tactical Jungle Communications Study. For USAELRDL Communications Department. 21 March 1963. Defense Documentation Center report number AD 445943.
88) Marine Corps Antenna Handbook MCRP 6-22D. Department of the Navy, Headquarters United States Marine Corps, Washington, D.C. 1 June 1999
89) Amateur Radio Antenna Design Notes, L.B. Cebik
90) Field Antenna Handbook, Report Number ECAC-CR-83-200, Department of Defense Electromagnetic Compatibility and Analysis Center, Annapolis MD, James A. Kuch, June 1984.
91) Special Forces Operational Techniques, FM31-20, Department of the Army Field Manual, 30 December 1965.
92) Cuban spies’ shortwave radios go undetected, Carmen Gentile, The Washington Times, June 18, 2009
93) The Complete Guide To Secure Communications With The One Time Pad Cipher, Dirk Rijmenants
94) Tonkin: Setting the Record Straight. Proceedings Naval Institute, Vol. 136/8/1,290, Rear Admiral Lloyd R. Vasey, U.S. Navy (Retired). August 2010.
95) Tonkin Gulf and the Escalation of the Vietnam War, Revised Edition, Edwin E. Moise, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis MD, 2019.
96) CIA-RDP78 03424AO01200100005-4. CIA internal Memo regarding the disposition of UGP-12 generator tooling: Chief, Engineering Division, Date redacted, Circa 1956, UNCLAS 2012
97) CCCA Newsletter Summer 2020. Combat Craft Crewman’s Association, August 2020.
98) Oral History, Captain Phil Bucklew, USN. U.S. Naval Institute Press, June 1980.
99) Historia, Comando de Comunicaciones del Ejército de Guatemala, online, undated.
100) Reserve Army Friends Club »Military Memories» Personal Memories, Taiwanese website, October 9, 2014.
101) Alphabetical Listing of Major War Supply Contracts June 1940-September 1945 Volume 3. Civilian Production Administration Industrial Statistics Division. Publication date unknown.
102) Argentina military website.
103) Korean War After Action Reports, Chief, Army Field Forces, Ft. Monroe Virginia, 5 NOV 1953.
104) Naval History and Heritage Command
AMPHIBIOUS SHIPS. Technical Document 196, L.M. Peters, I.C. Olsen, Naval Electronics Laboratory Center San Diego CA 4 October 1974
113) Handbook Maintenance Instructions Radio Set ARC Type 12.
114) CIA Specification for a “Waterproof Agent Radio Transmitter RT-3” dated 2 June 1949. CIA FOIA document CIA-RDP78-03424A002400040011-1.pdf