You can contact me on any of the following circuits when in-range

3550 kc CW Nights

5357 kc USB while I am underway – Daily

7050 kc CW Days

51.0 mc, FM Simplex

145.410 (-/107.2) mc, FM Repeater

I’d especially like to hear from any Alumni of CRD21 or MIUW 1920/103.  You can give a sanity check on my Sea Stories or provide even better ones – or better versions!  I remember your names but I have tried here to protect the innocent by not publishing them.

For you MIUW vets, our old Yahoo Groups: MIUW 103/104 Association site has been shut down along with all other Yahoo Groups sites.  You can leave us a note in the Comments section of the Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare web post if you like.

For Transmission Authentication purposes, you can prove your authenticity by providing the following information:

Coastal River Division 21: The names of any of our Chief Staff Officers, Engineering Officer or First LT.
Reply: I will tell you what kind of roadkill animal a certain SEAL tried to cook in the Boathouse clothes dryer.

MIUW: The name of our SEAL CO or our JANAP 119 Voice Callsign.
Reply: Our “Nom de guerre” during restaurant infiltrations